Himalaya, roof of the world, is a magic place where the magnificence of
the world's highest mountains is mirrored in the rugged beauty and
unique culture of the people who live in their shadow.

worship and the conservation ethic have been an integral part of Indian
thought and traditions and its also followed by India's Himalayan
neighbours. For centuries, the country has nurtured the philosophy of the
oneness of life, the tradition that humankind is a part of nature and one
should look upon all creation with the eyes of a friend.
It is tragic that in recent years, the mad pursuit for material ends has
created in India and elsewhere a situation in which progress has become
synonymous with exploitation of nature in all its manifestations. Today the
entire Himalayan range, with its rich and unique biological diversity, is
facing a deep crisis and is in the danger being destroyed. It is being
relentlessly denuded of its rich forest cover. Fortunately, this has been
led to some realisation, and now the beginnings of a new awakening about
human responsibility towards nature are discernible. You would love to explore our ECO Tourism in India
ECO Tourism in India
The Himalayas, the youngest, loftiest of all the
mountains in the world and embracing seven out of the ten highest peaks ....
Landlocked behind formidable mountain barriers in the
western Himalayas, sheltered from the rain-bearing monsoon winds .....
Mountains, forests and pastures are the mothers of rivers
that sustain life. Their catchment areas are the water basins ....
Nepal is a land of extreme contrasts in climate and
geography. It has a unique topography ranging from lowlands with
sub-tropical ....
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